Happy New Year!

Well, y’all, 2018 is almost gone, and 2019 is almost here! Is anyone excited? Terrified? Not sure?

It’s been a good year for us here at Mission HQ. A hard year, but a good one. We officially published TAT, and got a lot of work done on Operation Redemption. We’ve completed our first semester of college classes and are dreadingย  anticipating our next one.

Speaking of TAT, we have just received word that we have officially been part of KDP long enough to do one of their cool sales, so to try it out we’re doing one on the 31st and 1st, where TAT will be marked down to $0.99! That way you can either end 2018 or start 2019 with buying TAT, and we can see if the cool feature actually works.

Anyhow, happy New Year, and may this upcoming year be one in which we glorify God all the more, for He is worthy of all praise, glory, and honor. After all, He is God.



3 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. Happy New Year!!! It’s so hard to believe it’s practically 2019… ๐Ÿ˜€ And yes, totally excited about what God has in store this next year. ๐Ÿ™‚
    WAIT… Did you say $0.99? Wow! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Is this for a Kindle version, or regular book?

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